Friday, August 26, 2011

Through my red glasses...

I know I have been away for too LONG. Almost every week I start a new post but end up deleting the post the next time I log in ‘cause simply my fascination and the inclination faded over the week. Thing have been pretty still since last couple of months. Its been a couple of weeks into the the 5th semester and already the pressure to perform decent in academics and to start my MBA coaching. And the constant nagging by my almost good or nothing friends to ‘get involved with someone’ or their words – ‘to grow some balls and do something’ is not helping either.

OK...I agree I have not really tried to work my way up in romance but I guess being shy doesn't contribute to the cause either. Anyways...its been a while since I have been really attracted to someone. Its like I see through all their plastic smiles. Now, I don't want to sound like an emo kid here but is would be really great to  have someone to share good conversations with. classes have commenced for the new semester and things are already rolling pretty fast. All that pressure to perform descent in academics, get in shape (c'mon now...).

Between my engineering degree and trying to start the coaching for MBA I really don't have any significant activity happening around me. Of,course my shy room mates and friends who really don't have anything to do except trash talking. I mean I don't even smoke or drink tea even then I find myself at the dhaba outside our college 5 times a day watching my friends sucking on a smoke or sipping tea and all I can do is stare at the monotonous menu and just listen to their useless banter.

But between all this I have found time to figure things out for the upcoming days. I mean its when you care to stop and notice the little things, you realize what you really want and just plan it out.

"Amat Victoria Curam."

Victory loves preparation.

A great man(my idol) asked me the good qualities of my father(one of the greatest men I know).  I never really had given a thought to the subject. But somehow I did not need time to answer the question and things just started flowing out. I was happy with my answer and the content smile on his wrinkled face confirmed my satisfaction of the answer.

Spending time with my family is like a slice of life.

At one point you come to relate with their thinking, their ideologies and realize that all the rebel thoughts you had were naive and useless. You come to terms with yourself and the sense of  contentment comes over you. For your aspirations and mine...CHEERSS!!

Till next time
Er. Garv Vadehra

Proof Reading: Manik Bansal
Equipment courtesy: Sahil Bhatia